2021 IBIIS & AIMI Hybrid Retreat
September 27th & 28th, 1:00pm – 4:15pm
Self-Supervision for Learning from the Bottom Up
Why do self-supervised learning? A common answer is: "because data labeling is expensive." In this talk, I will argue that there are other, perhaps more fundamental reasons for working on self-supervision. First, it should allow us to get away from the tyranny of top-down semantic categorization and force meaningful associations to emerge naturally from the raw sensor data in a bottom-up fashion. Second, it should allow us to ditch fixed datasets and enable continuous, online learning, which is a much more natural setting for real-world agents. Third, and most intriguingly, there is hope that it might be possible to force a self-supervised task curriculum to emerge from first principles, even in the absence of a pre-defined downstream task or goal, similar to evolution. In this talk, I will touch upon these themes to argue that, far from running its course, research in self-supervised learning is only just beginning.
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley and member of the BAIR Lab. Prior to that, he was nine years on the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University, and has also been affiliated with École Normale Supérieure/INRIA and University of Oxford. His research is in the area of computer vision and computer graphics, especially at the intersection of the two. He is particularly interested in using data-driven techniques to tackle problems where large quantities of unlabeled visual data are readily available. Efros received his PhD in 2003 from UC Berkeley. He is a recipient of the Sloan Fellowship (2008), Guggenheim Fellowship (2008), Okawa Grant (2008), SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award (2010), 3 PAMI-TC Helmholtz Test-of-Time Prizes (1999,2003,2005), the ACM Prize in Computing (2016), and Diane McEntyre Award for Excellence in Teaching Computer Science (2019).
Monday, September 27th - Open to All Stanford
1:00 - 1:15pm
Welcome & Introduction – Curt Langlotz & Kristen Yeom
1:15 - 1:55pm
Keynote Talk – Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, PhD
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
UC Berkeley
1:55 - 2:15pm
Fireside Chat
Alexei Efros
Akshay Chaudhari
Mirabela Rusu
2:15 - 2:30pm
Group Zoom Photo & Break
2:30 - 3:15pm
AIMI Industry Affiliates Introductions
3:15 - 4:15pm
Panel Discussion: Career Transitions
Moderators: Natasha Diba Sheybani & Rogier van der Sluijs
Panelists: Akshay Chaudhari, Mirabela Rusu, Nishith Khandwala, Sarah Mattonen, & Yuhao Zhang
Closing Remarks & Adjourn
Tuesday, September 28th - IBIIS & AIMI only
James H. Clark Center - 318 Campus Drive
1:00 - 1:05pm
Introduction – Kristen Yeom
Location: Clark S360
1:05 - 1:15pm
Resources in the School of Medicine – Johanna Kim
Location: Clark S360
1:15 - 2:15pm
Faculty Introductions
Location: Clark S360
2:15 - 2:30pm
2:30 - 4:00pm
Poster Session
Location: Clark Courtyard
4:00 - 4:15pm
Poster Vote & Announce Poster Prize Winners
Location: Clark Courtyard